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VBL2157N Product details

Product introduction:

VBL2157N is a VBsemi brand single P-type field effect transistor with high performance and high reliability. It has wide application prospects in various power control, power management and signal processing modules, and can provide stable and reliable performance for electronic equipment in different fields. performance support.

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Product parameter:

Has the following main parameters:
The maximum drain-source voltage (VDS) is -150V, the maximum gate-source voltage (VGS) is ㊣20V, and the threshold voltage (Vth) is -2V.
When the gate-source voltage is 4.5V, the drain-source resistance is 70m次; when the gate-source voltage is 10V, the drain-source resistance is 65m次.
Its maximum drain current (ID) is -40A, using trench technology (Trench).
This product is packaged in TO263.

Domain and module applications:

The VBL2157N transistor is suitable for a variety of fields and modules.
For example, in power modules, it can be used for power switches, DC-DC converters, and power amplifiers. Due to its high drain-source current and low drain-source resistance, this transistor is particularly suitable for high power density power management and power control applications. In electric vehicle modules, it can be used for motor drives, battery management systems, and charging equipment. In addition, in industrial automation modules, it can be used for power switches, motor control, and sensor interfaces.
* Please note: the above is only an example application scenario, the specific application depends on the requirements and conditions of the system design. When using this device, consult its data sheet for detailed technical specifications and features

Technical support:

* If you have any questions about the product, please fill out the form to submit, we will reply you within 24 hours

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